Visit arrangements

All observers and visitors traveling to the Las Campanas Observatory are required to fill out and submit the following form at least 2 weeks in advance (one per person).

  • Observers Visitors:
    • Permission must be obtained from the Director's office for more than two observers per telescope.
    • If observing, make sure you also fill out an instrument setup request form for your instrument.
    • Observers from Carnegie and Chilean institutions are not charged for lodging and meals.
    • All observers should refer to the Onsite Observer Guide.
  • Engineering Visitors:
    • Permission must be obtained from the Director's office at least 1 month in advance.
    • The engineering work plan of activities must be sent via email to .
  • Other Visitors:
    • Please indicate the Visit Purpose and Visit sponsor name
  • 1) General Information

    Yes    No

    2) Santiago Arrival

    (Do not fill in this section if you are originating from Chile.)
    Yes No

    3) La Serena Arrival

    (Do not fill in this section if you are in La Serena.)

    4) La Serena Departure to LCO

    5) LCO Departure

    6) La Serena Departure

    (Do not fill in this section if you are in La Serena.)
    Yes No

    7) Santiago Departure

    (Do not fill in this section if you are originating from Chile.)

    8) Transport Information

    If you are observing for someone else, tell us who that person is.

    9) Accomodations and meals information

    Please give any other information or requirements here (e.g., if you prefer vegetarian meals, wish to stay at the El Pino Motel, etc.)

    Click here to send your form

    Please be advised that if you are expected to pay for your Room and Board, we can only accept payment in cash. check or credit/debit card. Explicitly, we cannot accept wire transfers since these imply extra charges to us (and you). See the web page on instructions to visitors, in order to determine if you are expected to pay.