MagE – Calibrations

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MagE – Calibrations

Order definition 

 Fast 1x1 (Xe-Lamp) 

Slit (")
Exp.Time (sec) 50353025201510 5orders 9-14 show counts between 15000-25000 (a couple of lines are saturated) - low counts in orders 6 and 18-20 (50 to 100 counts above background)
Exp.Time (sec)  99909060604030 15orders 18-20 have ~200-400 counts over the background - orders 10-14 show some saturation

Red Flats (external, w/flat field screen)  

With lamp Qh - reaching 30000-40000 counts in orders 7-9 

Fast 1x1 

Slit (")
Exp.Time (sec) 50302520 181410 4

Slow 1x1

Slit (")
Exp.Time (sec) 5838 3225211713 5

Blue and Very blue flats : 

Lamp: Xe-flash 

Slit: 5" 

Focus set to 1100  - remember to write down the nominal focus value, because it has to be manually inserted after flat sequence is over. 

Exp. time: 15s for Blue flats and 100s for Very blue flats 

A sequence of at least 15 blue flats and at least 5 Very blue flats is recommended. For more details take a look at the manual 

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