In order to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, the authorities have decreed a series of new measures. One of these, set forth in JDN Exempt Resolution No. 10, affects freedom of movement in the Coquimbo region, as of April 6, 2020 and until further notice.
Therefore, all persons living in this region must maintain their habitual residence and indefinitely. That is, they are requested to avoid moving to other homes unless this is done for work purposes.
Given this new resolution, circulation on public roads or spaces is permitted in cases of assistance to health centers, services and establishments; for travel to and from their place of work; to return to their habitual residence; to assist and care for persons with some degree of vulnerability, especially older adults; to attend banks and financial institutions; for reasons of force majeure; and for home delivery of food.
Circulation in private vehicles is permitted only for the performance of the described activities or for refueling. In addition, sports, competitive and recreational activities are restricted in the coastal, maritime, river and lake sectors.
With respect to the above, it is suggested that LCO staff and their families, from now on, enable their "Unique Key" (see procedure in web page) since, eventually in the future, other restrictive measures could be established that make it necessary to manage individual safe-conducts or special permits to carry out daily activities such as those indicated.
Those who circulate in the Coquimbo region, with the mentioned purposes, must carry and show to the authority, in case they are requested, their identity card, driver's license or other credential that proves their domicile in the region. If this displacement is carried out for work reasons, the workers of the Las Campanas Observatory shall have a letter of credentials.
In the event that they do not have a driver's license or credential indicating domicile in the region, especially for those who reside in distant municipalities, it is suggested that these workers and their family group obtain a certificate of residence that accredits their domicile.
I remind you that the observatory is scheduled to close on April 27, with a possible postponement. For the time being, we continue with reduced shifts only with critical personnel, both in El Pino and in Montaña.
Considering the recommendations of the health authorities, I invite you to coordinate telecourses with your team leaders and actively participate in the meetings by videoconference that they organize.
In these times in which it is up to us not to expose ourselves to protect our health and that of those close to us, I hope that all of you and your families follow these guidelines and stay in good health. I reiterate that in the event that anyone develops symptoms of COVID-19, please inform me and the People Manager, Mr. Daniel Briones, to discuss each case.
Take care, protect yourselves!
Best regards,
Leopoldo Infante Lira
Director Las Campanas Observatory