Visitors are responsible for charges incurred during their stay at LCO. Values for charges are updated on a yearly basis.
(Last modified: March 30, 2023) (mask fees updated 01 November 2023)
Charges for services are given in Chilean pesos (CLP) and converted to US$ at the daily rate. (Click here for the current exchange rate.)
Item | Charge |
Room & Board on Mountain | CLP 116,000 per night |
Transportation (return trip) | CLP 130,000 |
La Serena Motel Room | CLP 64,000 per night |
Courier for Visa Invitation Letters | CLP 32,000 |
Lunch (per person) | CLP 13,000 |
Masks for Multi-Object Spectrographs | IMACS: CLP 568,750 GISMO: CLP 65,625 LDSS3: CLP 26,250 (when cut from old stock at position 4 as specified in LDSS3 Updates page) |