Author Archives: Carol Rojas

Online talks by LCO

On Thursday, August 13, Las Campanas Observatory’s cycle of online talks began, which will feature top-level speakers, all of whom are part of the observatory’s staff. These talks will deal with various topics related to astronomy, technology, engineering and daily life at LCO. All the talks will be transmitted live through the Youtube channel of…

LCO Survey Observer/Operator (SOO)

The Las Campanas Observatory (LCO) of the Carnegie Institution for Science Observatories –a world-class astronomical institution– has several openings for our new Survey Operations Team at the du Pont 2.5 m telescope as Survey Observer/Operator (SOO). As part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey V (SDSS-V), the duPont telescope operations is transitioning to a full…

Scientific Institutions Launch “Inclusive Astronomy Stories”

In August, the ten-episode online series began, broadcast live on popular digital platforms, with a Chilean sign language interpreter. Through “Stories of Inclusive Astronomy,” different specialists and professionals in the field of science and astronomy, teachers, students, and people with disabilities will tell their experiences promoting Inclusive Astronomy in Chile and the world. The connected…

Release 20200728

Dear LCO employees, What many of us predicted and hoped for happened: On Monday, July 27th, the Ministerio de Salud announced a quarantine for the communes of Coquimbo and La Serena, which will begin on Wednesday, July 29th, at 10 p.m. This measure is in response to the sustained increase in contagion in the area.…

Release 20200717

Dear Colleague, Over these past months, as we have dealt with unprecedented challenges, I have been impressed again and again by the creativity and fortitude of this community. Now, as we work together to reopen our facilities, I know we can count on each other to do everything necessary to protect our health and keep…

Support Astronomer

Las Campanas Observatory (LCO) of the “Carnegie Institution for Science” – a world class scientific institution – is looking for a: Support Astronomer Astronomer, Master and/or PhD in Astronomy, Physics, Astrophysics or related sciences, with fluent oral/written English and professional experience, to carry out astronomical observations at Las Campanas Observatory, assisting the remote observation operations…

Release 20200702

Dear LCO community: I hope you’re all doing very well. We are optimistic, as there are signs of a flattening out of the contagion curve at the national level, but also pessimistic, as the Coquimbo region looks bad. In today’s report from the Ministerio de Salud, 284,541 total cases of people infected with COVID-19 were…

LCO joins “Cielos del Sur”

This series, published on Youtube, teaches and explains about astronomical objects visible at night from the southern hemisphere, in a certain month. Chile is recognized worldwide for its dark skies and its great potential for astronomical development. This is due to the unique combination of climatic and geographic conditions that exist in the north of…

Release 20200618

Dear LCO community: After the Ministry of Health (Minsal) announced an adjustment that includes 31,412 cases that had not been counted, the statistics indicate that one out of every 90.14 inhabitants of the country has been diagnosed with Covid-19, according to the number of inhabitants reported in the Minsal’s epidemiological reports. With more than 3,000…