How to Enter Instrument Setup and Travel Arrangements Information

Once the telescope schedule for a new semester has been finalized and the data for the observing run(s) have been entered into the Telescope Schedule system, the P.I. will automatically receive an email with the run details, along with a code that allows the P.I. to send the instrument setup configuration(s) and travel information for the observer(s). An example of this email is shown below.

To start entering this information, the P.I. should click on the “Open complete calendar” link in the email, which causes the telescope schedule calendar to pop up (see example below). The different telescopes are color-coded as follows: green = Swope, brown = du Pont, orange = Magellan Clay, and blue = Magellan Baade.

Once the run assigned to the P.I. has been located in the calendar, clicking on it will cause a window to be displayed with the details. To fill out the set up form for an instrument, the P.I. should enter the code sent by email in the "Code Run" box of the line listing that instrument, and then click on "Submit" in the same line (see example below). Instruments can be added for the Magellan telescopes by clicking on the drop down menu in the “Instrument Setup Request” column in the form and selecting the instrument. Instruments can be deleted by clicking on the “Delete” box on the same line as the instrument (under the “Action” column). Modifying the existing information for an instrument is accomplished by clicking on the drop down menu and re-selecting the same instrument.

An example of an "Instrument Setup" form is shown below. Once the form has been completed, click on “Submit” to return to the run details page. To reset the values and input for the form, click on “Reset”.


To submit a travel arrangements form, enter the name of the observer under “Travel Arrangements”, fill in the code mailed to the P.I. In the “Code Run” box, and then click on the “Submit” button (see example below).

A travel arrangements form will pop up (see example below). Fill in the information, and then click on “Submit”. To reset the values and input for the form, click on “Reset”.

If more than one person will be traveling to the observatory to observe, each person must fill out a separate Travel Arrangements Form. Observers who are not the P.I. should obtain the code from the P.I..

Once submitted, a copy of the completed Travel Arrangements form will be sent to the observer by email. If, for some reason, it is necessary to update the travel information, this can be facilitated by clicking on the “Edit your travelform here” link in this mail (see example below).

After filling out the Instrument Setup and Travel Arrangements forms, the run details should now look something like the example shown below. Note that if the P.I. has been assigned more than one observing run, Instrument Setup and Travel Arrangements forms must be filled out for each individual run.